| 15
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 5th Bohém club
| 17
| Thursday
| 20h
| Jazzmetropole, Olympiadorf München, Germany
| 18
| Friday
| 20.15-23.30h
| Jazz Hall, Stuttgart, Germany
| 19
| Saturday
| 15h
| Dixieland Jubilee, Stuttgart, Germany
| 19
| Saturday
| 19h
| Dixieland Jubilee, Stuttgart, Germany
| 20
| Sunday
| 11h
| Dixieland Jubilee, Stuttgart, Germany
| 12
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 6th Bohém club
| 13
| Thursday
| 19h
| Pécs, House of Arts (Bohém Trio)
| 25
| Tuesday
| 19h
| Baja, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 26
| Wednesday
| 19h
| Zalaegerszeg, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 28
| Friday
| 19h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 30
| Sunday
| 11h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival
| 1
| Tuesday
| 19h
| Dombóvár, Cultural Centre, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 2
| Wednesday
| 19h
| Vác, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 4
| Friday
| 19h
| Biatorbágy, 17th International 'Bohém' Ragtime & Jazz Festival (with Jonathan Russell)
| 15
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 7th Bohém club
| 25
| Friday
| 19h
| Kecskemét, Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
| 1
| Wednesday
| 17h
| Esztergom (private party)
| 13
| Tuesday
| 19h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 8th Bohém club (with Joe Muranyi)
| 17
| Saturday
| 17h
| Lodi (private party), USA
| 18
| Sunday
| 13.30h
| NOJC, Moose Lodge, San Pablo, USA
| 20
| Tuesday
| 9 & 10.30h
| Sacramento, Camellia Basic Elementary School, USA
| 21
| Wednesday
| 12h
| Sacramento, Downtown Plaza, Shopping Mall, USA
| 21
| Wednesday
| 19h
| Lake Wildwood (private party), USA
| 22
| Thursday
| 11h
| Sacramento Airport, USA
| 22
| Thursday
| 18h
| Jubilee Kick-off Party, Sacramento, Freeway Garden, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 23
| Friday
| 13h
| Convention Center, Yolo Room, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 23
| Friday
| 16h
| Old Sacramento, The Depot, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 23
| Friday
| 19h
| Old Sacramento, Turntable Junction, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 23
| Friday
| 21h
| K Street Mall, Crest Theater, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 24
| Saturday
| 13h
| Old Sacramento, Embassy Suites Ballroom, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 24
| Saturday
| 16h
| Convention Center, Abe's Attic, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 24
| Saturday
| 20.30h
| Convention Center, Gus & Joan's, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 25
| Sunday
| 13h
| Old Sacramento, Embassy Suites Ballroom, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 25
| Sunday
| 17.30h
| Old Sacramento, Golden Eagle Room, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 25
| Sunday
| 22h
| Convention Center, Yolo Room, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 26
| Monday
| 14.30h
| Convention Center, Hyatt Ballroom, Sacramento Jazz Jubilee, USA
| 17
| Tuesday
| 21h
| Passariano, Villa Manin, Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy (other performers: The Happy Pals New Orleans Party Orchestra, Lars Edegran New Orleans Jazz Band)
| 18
| Wednesday
| 10h
| Mortegliano, Market (brass band together with the members with the two other bands), Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy
| 18
| Wednesday
| 21h
| Gradisca di Sedegliano, Parco della Cortina, Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy
| 19
| Thursday
| 21h
| Castions di Strada, Via Ellero, Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy
| 20
| Friday
| 21h
| Villacaccia di Lestizza, Trattoria "Dal Bolognes", Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy
| 21
| Saturday
| 21h
| Campomolle di Teor, sagrato, Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy
| 22
| Sunday
| 21h
| Mortegliano, Parco Ex Gil, Swing in Pic 2008 Festival, Italy (other performers: The Happy Pals New Orleans Party Orchestra, Lars Edegran New Orleans Jazz Band)
| 17
| Thursday
| 21h
| Kecskemét, City Hall's Yeard Theatre (performance with the Grapevine Dance Group)
| 19
| Saturday
| 22h
| Siófok, Jazz Festival
| 2
| Saturday
| 20h
| Hajdúszoboszló, Jazz Festival
| 13
| Wednesday
| 19h
| Budapest, Sziget Festival, Civic Stage
| 14
| Thursday
| 18h
| Pécsvárad, castle
| 20
| Wednesday
| 20h
| Kiskunfélegyháza, Main square
| 16
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 1st Bohém club
| 18
| Thursday
| 17h
| Budapest
| 14
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 2nd Bohém club
| 25
| Saturday
| 19h
| Lafnitz, Austria
| 4
| Tuesday
| 19.30h
| Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, 3rd Bohém club
| 13
| Thursday
| 20h
| Budapest, Kultea, Bohém club
| 4
| Thursday
| Benefit concert for the Waldorf School, Kecskemét, Piarist High School
| 9
| Tuesday
| 19h
| Benefit concert for the Autistics, Kecskemét, Erdei Ferenc Cultural Centre, (4th Bohém club)
| 11
| Thursday
| 20h
| Budapest, Kultea, Bohém club
| 19
| Friday
| Esztergom (private party)
Bohém Ragtime Jazz Band/Kecskemét Jazz Foundation
Address: H-6001 Kecskemét, Pf. 652., Hungary
Phone: +36(20)82-447-82, E-mail: info@bohemragtime.com
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